październik/october 2024 |
2024-10-04 |
Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UJ |
Publiczna obrona pracy doktorskiej / Public PhD defense Panchromatic spectral energy distribution modeling of infared bright galaxies
2024-10-11 |
2024-10-18 |
Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UJ |
ZN OA 1606 |
Coronal Signatures of Flare Generated Fast-Mode Wave at EUV and Radio Wavelengths
We present a detailed case study of the type II solar radio burst occurred on 06 March 2014
using combined data analysis. It is a classical radio event consisting of type III radio burst
and a following type II radio burst in the dynamic spectrum. The type II radio burst is
observed between 235 – 130 MHz (120 – 60 MHz) in harmonic (fundamental) bands with
the life time of 5 minutes between 09:26 – 09:31 UT. The estimated speed of type II burst by
applying two-fold Saito model is ∼ 650 km/s. An extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wave is
observed with Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics
Observatory (SDO). The very close temporal onset association of the EUV wave and flare
energy release indicates that the EUV wave is likely produced by a flare pressure pulse. The
eruption is also accompanied by a weak coronal mass ejection (CME) observed with the
coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the twin Solar
Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). The plane of sky speed of the CME was ∼ 252
km/s in the SOHO/LASCO-C2 and ∼ 280 km/s in the STEREO-B/SECCHI-COR1 images. The
EUV wave has two wave fronts, one expanding radially outward and the other one moving
along the flare loop arcade. The source position of the type II burst imaged by the Nançay
Radio Heliograph (NRH) shows that it was associated with the outward moving EUV wave.
The CME is independent of the shock wave as confirmed by the location of NRH radio
sources below the CME’s leading edge. Therefore the type II radio burst is probably ignited
by the flare. This study shows the possibility of EUV wave and coronal shock triggered by
flare pressure pulse, generating the observed type II radio burst.
2024-10-25 |
listopad/november 2024 |
2024-11-01 |
Wszystkich Świętych / All Saints Holiday
2024-11-08 |
godzina 11:30 / at 11:30 p.m. |
2024-11-15 |
UKEN, Kraków |
O inicjatywach obserwacyjnych Tadeusza Banachiewicza
godzina 12:00 / at 12:00 p.m. |
CAMK, Warszawa |
ZN OA 1607 |
Tadeusz Banachiewicz jako pionier informatyki w Astronomii i naukach pokrewnych
2024-11-22 |
Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UJ |
ZN OA 1608 |
150th anniversary of the Grubb refractor
The Grubb refractor, currently located in the southwestern dome of the
Cracow Observatory, is the oldest working instrument at the institute. It
was manufactured in 1874 in Thomas Grubb's factory in Dublin. However, the
history of this instrument at the Jagiellonian University begins much
later, in 1929, when Prof. Tadeusz Banachiewicz brought this telescope to
Cracow, where it became one of the main scientific instruments.
Now, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Grubb refractor, we are
entering a new era of this instrument's service to the astronomical
community. Thanks to the new narrowband solar filters, it is becoming a
valuable teaching tool for astronomy students. In this talk I’ll present a
brief history of the Grubb refractor and show its current capabilities for
solar observations.
2024-11-29 |
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych, Warszawa |
ZN OA 1609 |
From unveiling Giant Radio Galaxies to harnessing them as astrophysical probes
Giant Radio Galaxies (GRGs) are home to active supermassive black holes that produce
powerful bipolar radio jets, creating structures that extend over megaparsec scales. These
are the largest structures in the Universe, growing up to Mpc-scales and even surpassing
the size of massive galaxy clusters. Though discovered 50 years ago, significant progress in
understanding GRGs has been made only in the past eight years, largely due to the advent
of sensitive sky surveys and the efforts of the SAGAN project ('Search & Analysis of GRGs
with Associated Nuclei').
Research continues to explore whether the immense size of GRGs is driven by their efficient
AGN or the sparser environments in which they reside. The SAGAN project, initiated in
2016, has produced several research papers, including a review, discovering the largest
samples of GRGs and refining our understanding of their key properties. The project has
rejuvenated global interest in these giant radio sources.
This seminar will review how our understanding of GRGs has evolved with deep radio
surveys like LoTSS, which have uncovered the largest and faintest GRGs. We will discuss
optical-infrared data from SDSS and WISE, revealing AGN accretion properties, and
millimetre-wave data from IRAM, offering insights into AGN fuelling. We will also showcase
GMRT radio images revealing previously unseen low-surface-brightness structures in GRGs,
enabling more precise age and magnetic field estimates. Lastly, we will demonstrate how
GRGs can be used as cosmic probes of large-scale environments and magnetic fields, with
key implications for understanding magnetogenesis.
grudzień/december 2024 |
godzina 14:00 / at 14:00 p.m. |
2024-12-06 |
Obserwatorium Astronomicze UJ |
Publiczna obrona pracy doktorskiej / Public PhD defense Występowanie i własności promieniowania ultrafioletowego w obszarach powstawania gwiazd w Drodze Mlecznej
2024-12-13 |
Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UJ |
ZN OA 1610 |
Hubble tension
The growing precision and accuracy of the Lemaitre-Hubble constant determination recently lead to inconsistency between the
value of Lemaitre-Hubble constant derived by different methods. The CMB-based value is significantly lower than the value measured with
the help of the standard candles. In this presentation, I show the specific solution to the second-order cosmological perturbation
theory, which could partially explain the difference between the measured values of the Lemaitre-Hubble constant.
2024-12-20 |
2024-12-27 |
przerwa świąteczna / Holiday break
styczeń/january 2025 |
2025-01-03 |
przerwa świąteczna / Holiday break
2025-01-10 |
2025-01-17 |
2025-01-24 |
2025-01-31 |
przerwa egzaminacyjna / Exam break
luty/february 2025 |
2025-02-07 |
przerwa egzaminacyjna / Exam break
2025-02-14 |
ferie zimowe / Holiday break
2025-02-21 |
przerwa egzaminacyjna / Exam break
2025-02-28 |
Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UJ |
Bayesian Approach to Equipartition Estimation of Magnetic Field Strength
Magnetic fields, together with cosmic rays (CRs), play an important role in the dynamics and evolution of galaxies,
but are difficult to estimate. Energy equipartition between magnetic fields and CRs provides a convenient way
to approximate magnetic field strength from radio observations. In this talk I will present a new approach
for calculating the equipartition magnetic field strength based on Bayesian methods.
In this approach, the magnetic field is a random variable that is distributed according to a posterior distribution
conditional on synchrotron emission and the size of the emitting region. It allows for the direct application
of the general formulas for total and polarized synchrotron radiation without the need to invert these formulas,
which has limited the equipartition method to highly simplified cases. We have derived the equipartition condition
for the case of different low-energy breaks, slopes, and high-energy cutoffs of power-law spectra of the CR proton
and electron distributions. The derived formalism was applied in the general case of a magnetic field consisting of
both uniform and randomly oriented field components. The applied Bayesian approach naturally provides the uncertainties
in the estimated magnetic field strengths resulting from the uncertainties in the observables and the assumed values
of the unknown physical parameters. I will also present a web application BMAG that implements the described approach
for different models and observational parameters.
marzec/march 2025 |
2025-03-07 |
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków |
Copernicus on atoms
Copernicus is associated with the study of objects on a cosmic scale. Only a few people know that
the manuscript of De revolutionibus contains a fragment of 56 latin words, in which we find the term “atoms”.
In it, Copernicus used the concept of the atom to formulate an additional argument for the extremely great
distance to the fixed stars.
I will try to answer different questions that arise. Why was this fragment not included in the Nuremberg
first edition of 1543 and the subsequent latin editions? How did Copernicus understand the concept of the atom?
How could he have known this hypothesis? How does his argument for the enormous distance to the stars look
in the light of contemporary knowledge?
Additionally, we will discuss Kepler's views on the discontinuous structure of matter, as presented in his 1611 work
Strena seti de nive sexangula (Eng: On Hexagonal Snowflakes), and the little-known fact of Rheticus's
stay in Kraków in the years 1554–1574.
2025-03-14 |
2025-03-21 |
Szczegóły wydarzenia
2025-03-28 |
kwiecień/april 2025 |
2025-04-04 |
2025-04-11 |
2025-04-18 |
Wielki Piątek / Holiday break
2025-04-25 |
maj/may 2025 |
2025-05-02 |
Dzień wolny na UJ / Holiday break
2025-05-09 |
2025-05-16 |
2025-05-23 |
2025-05-30 |
czerwiec/june 2025 |
2025-06-06 |
2025-06-13 |
2025-06-20 |
piątek po Święcie Bożego Ciała / Holiday break
2025-06-27 |
przerwa egzaminacyjna / Exam break
lipiec/july 2025 |
sierpień/august 2025 |
wrzesień/september 2025 |