CONTENTS, vol. 19, '93

Research papers

K. Maslanka
The Method of Analytic Continuation in Quantum Field Theory
M. Heller and W. Sasins
Generalized Friedman's Equation and its Singularities
W. Sasin and M. Heller
Space-Time with b-Boundary as a Generalized Differential Space
A. Woszczyna and M. Heller
Particle Horizon --- a Generic Property of the Universe?
M. Szydlowski and A. Krawiec
Chaos and Sectional Curvature for Dynamics of Mixmaster Cosmology
M. Szydlowski
Geometrized Dynamics of Multidimensional Cosmological Models


E. Malec and N. 'O Murchadha
Is the Universe Open or Closed?
L. M. Sokolowski
Some Remarks on the Dimensionality of the Universe

Meetings and Conferences

L. Amendola
I Italian Meeting on Cosmology


K. Buchner, M. Heller, P. Multarzynski and W. Sasin
Literature on Differential Spaces

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